Hi! I’m a Data Scientist based in Madrid, Spain. I specialize in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, NLP, and Data Analysis. Currently, I’m working at EIPSA S.A., where I develop object detection models for metallurgy companies, automate data entry processes, generate tracking reports for received documentation, and implement deep learning solutions for identifying technical drawings. Contact me via jparedescolmenarejo@gmail.com.
Paredes, J. “Twitch Automatic Subtitle Generation, Captures system audio in real-time, transcribes it into text using a speech recognition model (ASR), and translates it from English to Spanish using HuggingFace models. STATUS: IN DEVELOPMENT
Paredes, J. “Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection Test, Detection of liquid penetrant test with AI” (YOLO11) Development of object detection models tailored for metallurgy companies. (FPI, DP, LPI, PT)
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Paredes, J. “Data Extraction from DXF Files for entity identification in technical drawings”
Implementation of deep learning algorithms for the recognition and classification of technical drawings, enabling automated documentation handling.
Paredes, J. “Email MAPI Tools Automation” Automation of documentation entry through email (Outlook/IMAP) to excel and BBDD (ERP).
Serrano, E., Paredes, J. “EIPSA ERP” Based on an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system to manage the different daily activities of the different sections of the company.
Paredes, J. “Welding Defects Detector, detection of welding defects with AI” (YOLO11)
Development of object detection models tailored for metallurgy companies.
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Paredes, J. “HLTV Team and Player Stats Scraper” Scraping and data analysis of each individual and team player for the Counter Strike 2 competitive game.
Paredes, J. “Twitter - Sentiment Analysis with Emojis” using emojis to classify the emotional tone of tweets. By leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.
Paredes, J. “Twitter Sentiment Analysis” identifying positive and negative emotions while exploring various natural language characteristics.
Paredes, J. “Analysis of Traffic Accidents” Analysis and predictions of Traffic Accidents in the City of Madrid
Paredes, J. “Image & Vision Classification of Futurama Frames” Identification characters in Futurama frames - Kaggle Competition 🥉3º position - ResNet152 & Keras/Tensorflow
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